
Pricing options are designed to fit various business models

User Based

$25 / Monthly for each user

Minimum 10 users, with a monthly $250 minimum invoice. Service providers, drivers, and panel users are included.

  • Dashboard (Full access)
  • Web Page (Multi-Languages)
  • Staff App (IOS & Android)
  • Service Management (1 service limit)
  • Online Payment (1 integration)
  • Mobile Apps  (One-time charge 250$)
  • Long Term Services (Not supported)
Purchase Plan

Utilization Based

$0.25 / Per Utilized Hour

Invoices are based on a minimum of 2000 utilized hours, requiring a monthly minimum payment of $500.

  • Dashboard (Full access)
  • Web Page (Multi-Languages)
  • Staff App (IOS & Android)
  • Service Management (3 services limit)
  • Online Payment (3 integrations limits)
  • Mobile Apps (IOS & Android)
  • Long-Term Services  (0.10$ per day)
Purchase Plan

Revenue Based

% 2.5 / From Monthly Revenue

Invoices require a monthly minimum payment of $500 commission. Designed for a wide variety of service types.

  • Dashboard (Full access)
  • Web Page (Multi-Languages)
  • Staff App (IOS & Android)
  • Service Management (Unlimited)
  • Online Payment (5 integrations limit)
  • Mobile Apps (IOS & Android)
  • Long-Term Services (No extra charges)
Purchase Plan

Get demo access
for 15 days free trial

You can fill out your company information to get a 15-day free trial access. Through the wizard, you can specify your services and products, then transition to the demo panel to test all the features yourself.

  • Panel demo full-access.
  • Staff APP full-access.
  • Desing your demo web and customer apps.
  • Create demo orders and observe the workflow.

Contact us

[email protected]

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