
Saastech Features

No longer need to use separate tools to manage your business. All the features you need are now in one place.

Customer APP

iOS & Android apps for your customer online orders. You're in control - customize logo, services, product prices, colors, and content. Customers will have access to addresses, orders, favorite personnel, credit cards, and balances.

Staff APP

iOS & Android Staff apps for seamless management. Customize permissions, multi-language support, calendar, tasks, driving directions assistance, navigation, and payments. Employees schedule, request leaves, and view payments.

Web Page

Pre-designed responsive webpage for online orders. You're in control - customize logo, services, product prices, colors, and content. Customers will have access to addresses, orders, favorite personnel, credit cards, and balances.


Unlimited language support. The languages you add will be active on your website, panel, and all your applications. You can edit the content by yourself.

Content Management

Modify all the content and text on your webpage, apps, and dashboard. AI will assist you in creating content and translating it into other languages.

Terms & Privacy Editor

Create and upload your online agreement with service terms, conditions, and privacy policy. Also, prepare and upload contracts for offline orders with customers.

Online Payments

You can integrate your online credit card payment gateway into your webpage and apps. We support various online payment options, including PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay, Payfort, Hyperpay, Paylink, local online payment gateway companies, or banks.

Offline Orders

Your dispatchers can add orders from customers who call or visit your office directly to the panel, and the system continues to work seamlessly.

Customer Ratings

Customers can rate services, make comments, and choose their favorite personnel. AI analyzes feedback, extracts insights & sentiments, and provides advanced business analytics.

Service Management

By managing the service types, you can configure the services you want to be active on your website, apps, and panel. For example, Home Cleaning, Office Cleaning, Pest Control, etc.

Product Management

You can manage your product prices, hours, shift times, break times, one-time or package options, additional pricing for products, and many other details through the panel.

Order Management

Track daily orders, visits, and view past data when a customer contacts you. View customers with expiring contracts and take necessary actions.

Area & Team

Unlimited cities and districts for your service area. You can configure working areas by services or teams and create teams to handle orders from these areas.

Driver Routing

Track and organize daily driving routes. Driver Routing AI will assist your drivers in finding the fastest route to save time and fuel.

GPS Tracking

Track the locations of all your personnel, view the positions of your customers' addresses on the map, and monitor the locations, routes, and speeds of your drivers.


Monitor your company's revenue with daily, monthly, and yearly data. Track order sources, coupon usage, service details, member count, and more. Analyze best-selling products, top-performing employees, and revenues by area and district.


Export various reports like company performance, customer payments, order details, and staff performance to Excel format.


Performance measurement tool. You can set monthly goals and view in real-time how much percentage of these goals your company, employees, and teams have achieved.

Cashier Module

In this module, you can perform all payment management operations such as approving, canceling, and refunding payments that are handled by the cashier department.

Expense Management

Enter all your company expenses into the control panel and monitor the profit/loss situation on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis.

Accounting & Invoicing

You can manage the balances, payments, receipts, and invoices of all your customers through the system. You have the ability to customize the logo and information on your invoices and receipts through the panel.


Generate various promotions like fixed, percentage, or random codes. Define the campaign's applicable area, days, products, services, and all other parameters. Promotion Creator AI will assist you in creating the most efficient campaigns according to your company analysis.


Send emails, app notifications, and browser notifications to your customers. By partnering with SMS-sending companies and integrating them into your panel, you can send SMS. You can collaborate with marketing order-providing companies and use APIs to receive orders.

Auto Notis & Emails

Integrate your company's corporate email account into the system. The emails are sent to customers when they create an account, place an order, and provide post-order feedback to be sent through your corporate email server.

HR Management

Manage employee profiles, mark inactive or delete former employees, and handle workdays and vacations system-wide. Track contracts, insurance, and job applications. Employees adjust settings via personnel app.

Staff Notifications

Send notifications to employees via the app, including automatic alerts for new assignments. With task capture, employees can receive alerts for available orders and self-assign tasks.

Personnel Payments

Manage staff payments with flexible options: hourly, daily, per-task rates, or monthly salaries. All payment records stored for retrospective checks.

Smart Scheduling

Orders are managed based on service type, area, team, and personnel availability. System updates fields for vacations, order changes, or cancellations. Alerts and automatic processes are provided. The system works cohesively, instantly updating all modules and apps. Smart calendar aids effective management.

Auto Assignments

When this feature is enabled, all orders are automatically assigned to personnel and drivers associated with them. The assignments are made using the features of the Smart Calendar module. However, manual assignments by your sales representatives for offline orders can still continue.

Reschedule Visits

Your customers can reschedule their visits within the rules you set on your panel.

Personnel Schedule

You can view the daily or monthly calendars of the entire company, teams, or your staff members.

Code Implement

Integrate WhatsApp, Livechat, or any live support app by adding the unique code from the control panel. Also, add various plugins like Google Analytics, accessibility tools, customer tracking systems, Mixpanel, etc., to your website.

SEO Management

Edit your H tags, titles, and descriptions of your pages in various languages for search engine optimization.

Role Permissions

Role management in your control panel lets the admin decide module access. For example, customer reps access order modules, cashiers access cashier screens.

Design Management

You can change the colors, icons, and images on your website and applications through the panel.

Popup Management

Add and customize popup images to be displayed to customers visiting your website within the specified date range, tailored to different languages.

Offer Management

Add images to be displayed on your applications within the specified date range, tailored to different languages
