Every day spent below your capacity means losses for your company. Saastech.io provides applications and websites where your customers can place online orders. Additionally, our staff app helps streamline your operations for your employees. Start excellent management with a single dashboard to oversee all these tools.
Carpet, upholstery, and curtain cleaning companies often use specialized software to manage their operations efficiently. Saastect includes features for scheduling appointments, managing customer information, tracking inventory and supplies, invoicing, and reporting.
The most distinguishing feature of Saastech from other solutions is its provision of custom mobile applications for your company and a website where you can accept online orders.
All tools work together seamlessly and are integrated with each other, ensuring perfect harmony, minimal cost, and maximum growth.
Our software serves upholstery, curtain, sofa, mattress, and carpet cleaners and companies. Also, car wash, car seat cleaning, and laundry service companies if they offer home delivery.
Mobilapplikationer, hvor dine kunder kan afgive ordrer online, foretage online betalinger og spore deres ordrer.
Personaleapp med kalender, opgavestyring, navigation og mange andre nyttige funktioner. Den tilpasses af administratoren gennem panelet.
Et driftsledelsespanel med hundredvis af funktioner, alt sammen ét sted, til styring af rengøringsvirksomheder.
Modtag online ordrer og betalinger fra dine kunder gennem din egen mærkede hjemmeside og applikationer.
Både dine kunder og medarbejdere vil udføre transaktioner via mobile applikationer. Alle produkter fungerer i forbindelse med din panel.
Comprehensive admin panel containing all the necessary features for managing the processes of a carpet cleaning company. Check our features.
Betal kun når du tjener! Vores løsninger tilbydes med prisfastsættelse baseret på indtægter. Udvid din virksomhed med vores produkter og betal i takt med din vækst.